Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Like a flower inside a mirror, moon in a lake 镜花水月

When you are at outside, most of the things are just like 镜花水月, how do you define 镜花水月, it is depends on yourself  , it can be elusive , illusion , fake, mirage ... etc
do not simply believe on anyone, what you saw, what you heard. Except your family or the one who you really trusted, no one else has the obligation to treat you nicely.

so most of the things are not real, fake smiling, acting friendly, making promises.... bla bla bla
it is very hard to find people who will treat you back like how you treat them. So dont ever easily treat people nicely and put them on your priority list you would just get hurt in the end. Sometimes the ending is very obvious, but you just dgaf to it and hope there will be a change in the end and it always dont. 

We are no gods, we are just humans, miracle does not always happen

Things do not happen as we wish like we cannot change a person. Time only will revealed more to you, but it wont change a person. Basically humans are selfish, in many ways. in your lifetime, you should already meet these kind of people, just depends how long can you let go, move on, forget. Sometimes people are just too naive, they only believe on things that want to believe and think less about the consequences. Getting hurt in the end every fucking time.

People always say, learn form your mistake, i will learn it, maybe after repeated it 10 or more times.

today friends maybe become tomorrow's enemy, how many times do you get hurt by people that you close, that you trust ? but still you never fucking learn. If you do not trust them in the first place, do not put so much feeling in it, how the fuck would you get hurt so badly


how can you smile when you see someone you dislike ?
how can you talk to someone who make you uncomfortable ?
how can people acting so well infront of everyone ?
how can you all cheat over your feelings ?
cant you guys be alittle true to yourself ?

i cannot do this
i cannot smile to the one that i hate
i cannot talk to someone what make me so dissapointed
i cannot face someone who make feel uncomfortable
i tend to avoid
it is not wrong rite ?
i dont give a fuck about them
i want to move on
i think it is okay to unfollow someone else's Instagram, Wechat or even Facebook
why still keep it when you already decided that you wont give a fuck about them
everytime i see their post, it hurts , in the inside, deep inside

some people says my thinking are so wrong
but i just want to protect myself
i am so tired
i dont want to care


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