Saturday, December 20, 2014

endless lonely night

Ever think about why do people sleep in the night ? I dont know about you, but my brain is damn energetic and sensitive which will lead to a illness call  'EMO'  
yeah, dont look down on this EMO thingy, it does kills people  
thinking too much can kill yourself
so ...  it's middle of  3.30am and guess what I am thinking ?
everything or anything that happened
I 'm thinking about my future, what will I do after i woke up, what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, where should i go tomorrow...  etc .So this is some normal and 'unavoided' staff that you will think about and ofcoz there will be more  ( more specific)  like:
  1. few days ago i added a girl on FB, after around 30+ hours why she doesnt accept me yet ? Am I ugly ? Does my profile picture looks stupid ...  ?
  2. There is a good-looking girl followed me on my Twitter ...  so ?  does she like me ? have interest on me ?  wait a minute ...  she have a boyfriend .....  (ya fuck) 
  3. Why am I still fucking single ....   (Hell yeah)
  4. few days ago we message each other and talk about anything, why today I feel like our distance has become further and further ?  did i do or say something wrong ?
  5. Wondering what are my crushes doing ?  sleeping ? emo-ing ? 
  6. when I can see Taylor Swift ? I love her   ( I'm okay with Ariana Grande too, she's quite hot and cute  ><  )
  7. So ... when I will confess to my crushes ? and what will happen after i confess to them ...  (hmmm.... )
  8. imagine I am some main character in some anime world ...  yeah !!  ( BANKAI !!! )
  9. long story and basically it is unlimited thought of mine at the moment like this ,...   haha
Well I am tired thou ...  off to bed ~  Pie guys    ( Sleep early so that you wont be EMO... like me )

Human tend to think logically but get fucked up by emotions 

 go away emotions , go away~  shu shu ~

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