Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sad reality , Disappointment OVERload


I already gave up on everything over here, fake peoples, fuck you all, only find me when I am needed and totally didnt appreciate

hope you all can find another person as stupid as me will treat other group's assignment like his own one

just because a bit fucking mistake and you all gonna play politic and boycott me ?
fuck people
being alone is always better
i wont give a fuck to anyone anymore
eating with my laptop or smartphone is better than eating with you fakers

Things are always too obvious, it's just I couldnt accept it until recently.
nothing is real
promises , memories, oath, friendship,  this is what make me so weak
because of these, i keep getting used
i always hope anyone of this is real
but it isnt, that how reality it is

well, it is hopeless btw so why should give a fuck to you all ?
everything is fake at here, mirage , elusive
i shouldnt be getting so emotional over things at here
since after few more semesters, you all live or die is non of my concern anymore

yes, you all just faster graduate and get the hell out
go wherever you all want

i will endure this
i will endure few more semesters
i am ready for this
i keep telling myself
being alone isnt that bad after all
i can survive myself
i dont need others
i dont need fakers in my life
i am not good in acting
i cannot smile nor laugh to the ones i hate
i cannot accept the ones i hate
i cannot doing something together with someone I hate

yeah, i am weak , there are many things i cannot do
at least
I am truthful
to my feelings....
keep smiling ~  fakers

good luck to me

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